Wednesday 10 September 2008

Philippine Health Department Issues Administrative Order To Address HIV/TB Coinfection

Philippine Health Secretary Francisco Duque latterly signed an administrative order aimed at increasing efforts to fight HIV/tuberculosis coinfection, Asia Pulse/ reports.

The order focuses on policies and guidelines for a collaborative approach aimed at decreasing the TB burden among HIV-positive people and decreasing HIV prevalence among people with TB. According to the Philippine Department of Health, HIV/TB coinfection has hindered efforts to control the two diseases because TB is common among people living with HIV and one of the primary causes of AIDS-related deaths. In addition, TB significantly affects the calibre of life of HIV-positive people, the department said.

According to Asia Pulse/, the Philippines has a high burden of TB just a low HIV preponderance. The wellness department in 2007 estimated that HIV prevalence was 0.168%, with 7,490 Filipino adults living with the virus. However, a survey found that 6.25% of one hundred sixty TB patients at San Lazaro Hospital tested confirming for HIV (Asia Pulse/, 9/1).

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